Epic ID


Performing Lab

UCHealth Highlands Ranch Hosptial Laboratory-Chemistry


One 4.5 mL Gold top (SST); Red top, no gel. .Also acceptable: One 4.5 mL Green top with gel (PST), lithium heparin plasma.

Pediatric Collection

At least 0.5 mL whole blood in green top microtainer with gel, (lithium heparin plasma) or other heparin tube.

Unacceptable Conditions

Grossly hemolyzed samples; EDTA anticoagulant; sample not properly identified; insufficient sample volume; improperly stored.

Storage/Transport Temperature

Internal: Deliver to lab immediately at ambient temperature. Offsite: Centrifuge within 30 minutes of collection transport to lab at 2-8 degrees C.

Stability (from collection to initiation)

Ambient, 8 hours; Refrigerated, 7 days; Frozen, 4 weeks.


High levels of biotin (vitamin B7) may interfere with this test. Concentrations of biotin up to 1200 ng/mL may be present in specimens collected from patients taking up to 300 mg per day. This interference can cause false lows, potentially leading to misdiagnosis. Clinicians who encounter unexpected results that are inconsistent with their patient's clinical presentation should examine their patient's supplements. Even if asked directly whether they are taking biotin, patients may answer incorrectly as it is marketed under various names (i.e. vitamin H, coenzyme R). However, the risk of interference may be reduced if one abstains from biotin supplementation for at least eight hours before a sample is collected, which is often consistent with not taking one's daily supplement before a sample is collected later that day.

Epic ID


Reference Interval

0D up to 3D 1.000-20.000 uIU/mL
3D up to 30D 0.500-6.500 uIU/mL
1M up to 6M 0.500-6.000 uIU/mL
6M up to 19Y 0.500-4.500 uIU/mL
19Y up to unspec 0.465-4.680 uIU/L (vendor pkg insert)
Pediatric ranges from Soldin,Steven et al Pediatric Reference Intervals, Seventh Edition, AACC Press, 2011

CPT Codes


Epic ID


Performing Lab

UCHealth Highlands Ranch Hosptial Laboratory-Chemistry


One 4.5 mL Gold top (SST); Red top, no gel. .Also acceptable: One 4.5 mL Green top with gel (PST), lithium heparin plasma.

Pediatric Collection

At least 0.5 mL whole blood in green top microtainer with gel, (lithium heparin plasma) or other heparin tube.

Unacceptable Conditions

Grossly hemolyzed samples; EDTA anticoagulant; sample not properly identified; insufficient sample volume; improperly stored.

Storage/Transport Temperature

Internal: Deliver to lab immediately at ambient temperature. Offsite: Centrifuge within 30 minutes of collection transport to lab at 2-8 degrees C.

Stability (from collection to initiation)

Ambient, 8 hours; Refrigerated, 7 days; Frozen, 4 weeks.


High levels of biotin (vitamin B7) may interfere with this test. Concentrations of biotin up to 1200 ng/mL may be present in specimens collected from patients taking up to 300 mg per day. This interference can cause false lows, potentially leading to misdiagnosis. Clinicians who encounter unexpected results that are inconsistent with their patient's clinical presentation should examine their patient's supplements. Even if asked directly whether they are taking biotin, patients may answer incorrectly as it is marketed under various names (i.e. vitamin H, coenzyme R). However, the risk of interference may be reduced if one abstains from biotin supplementation for at least eight hours before a sample is collected, which is often consistent with not taking one's daily supplement before a sample is collected later that day.

Epic ID

Result Interpretation

Reference Interval

0D up to 3D 1.000-20.000 uIU/mL
3D up to 30D 0.500-6.500 uIU/mL
1M up to 6M 0.500-6.000 uIU/mL
6M up to 19Y 0.500-4.500 uIU/mL
19Y up to unspec 0.465-4.680 uIU/L (vendor pkg insert)
Pediatric ranges from Soldin,Steven et al Pediatric Reference Intervals, Seventh Edition, AACC Press, 2011

CPT Codes