
***URGENT UPDATE as of 09/03/24***
Due to an ELISA kit reagent shortage, we cannot complete VEGFD testing at this time. Submitted samples will be stored frozen and tested in the order they are received. VEGFD in serum is stable for at least one year when frozen. We anticipate testing to resume by mid October 2024; however, we cannot guarantee a specific TAT.


3 ml serum separator tube

Minimum Collection Volume

3.0 ml

Acceptable Specimen Collect Alternatives

Serum may be sent in polyproplene tube.

Unacceptable Conditions

Whole blood not separated within two hours of collection. Refrigerated sample. Frozen serum thawed before it reaches the TTDSL. Serum at ambient temeratures for > 24 hours. Serum stored in polystyrene tube.

Storage/Transport Temperature

Store separated serum at room temperature if delivered within 24 hours or -20C or colder (dry ice) if delivered > 24 hours. Do not refrigerate. Do not thaw a frozen specimen.

Specimen Preparation

Keep whole blood at room temperature and separate serum within two hours of collection by centrifugation. Transfer serum to a polypropylene tube suitable for shipping (screw cap). If sample can be delivered within 24 hours to the TTDSL, keep the serum at room temperature. If delivery will be delayed > 24 hours, freeze and store serum at -20C or colder and ship frozen specimen on dry ice.

Whole blood in SST only acepted from Cincinnati samples delivered within 2 hours of draw.



Performing Lab

Translational Trials Development and Support Lab (TTDSL), 513-636-5998,

Units of Measure





***URGENT UPDATE as of 09/03/24***
Due to an ELISA kit reagent shortage, we cannot complete VEGFD testing at this time. Submitted samples will be stored frozen and tested in the order they are received. VEGFD in serum is stable for at least one year when frozen. We anticipate testing to resume by mid October 2024; however, we cannot guarantee a specific TAT.


  • VEGF-D Quantitation
  • VEGF-D

Related Information

CPT Codes


Acceptable Specimen Collect Alternatives

Serum may be sent in polyproplene tube.


***URGENT UPDATE as of 09/03/24***
Due to an ELISA kit reagent shortage, we cannot complete VEGFD testing at this time. Submitted samples will be stored frozen and tested in the order they are received. VEGFD in serum is stable for at least one year when frozen. We anticipate testing to resume by mid October 2024; however, we cannot guarantee a specific TAT.


3 ml serum separator tube

Minimum Collection Volume

3.0 ml

Acceptable Specimen Collect Alternatives

Serum may be sent in polyproplene tube.

Unacceptable Conditions

Whole blood not separated within two hours of collection. Refrigerated sample. Frozen serum thawed before it reaches the TTDSL. Serum at ambient temeratures for > 24 hours. Serum stored in polystyrene tube.

Storage/Transport Temperature

Store separated serum at room temperature if delivered within 24 hours or -20C or colder (dry ice) if delivered > 24 hours. Do not refrigerate. Do not thaw a frozen specimen.

Specimen Preparation

Keep whole blood at room temperature and separate serum within two hours of collection by centrifugation. Transfer serum to a polypropylene tube suitable for shipping (screw cap). If sample can be delivered within 24 hours to the TTDSL, keep the serum at room temperature. If delivery will be delayed > 24 hours, freeze and store serum at -20C or colder and ship frozen specimen on dry ice.

Whole blood in SST only acepted from Cincinnati samples delivered within 2 hours of draw.



Performing Lab

Translational Trials Development and Support Lab (TTDSL), 513-636-5998,

Units of Measure





***URGENT UPDATE as of 09/03/24***
Due to an ELISA kit reagent shortage, we cannot complete VEGFD testing at this time. Submitted samples will be stored frozen and tested in the order they are received. VEGFD in serum is stable for at least one year when frozen. We anticipate testing to resume by mid October 2024; however, we cannot guarantee a specific TAT.


  • VEGF-D Quantitation
  • VEGF-D

Related Information

Result Interpretation
Laboratory Personnel Use

CPT Codes


Acceptable Specimen Collect Alternatives

Serum may be sent in polyproplene tube.