All specimens submitted to the laboratory must be appropriately labeled with the Norton Healthcare LIS bar code or accompanied by a completed requisition form containing at a minimum the patient’s first and last name, date of birth, billing address, submitting clinician and location, date and time of collection, ordered test names, ICD-10 code or diagnosis and complete insurance information including responsible party.  All clinical specimens must be labeled with the patient’s complete name (first and last) and a second unique identifier along with collected date and time and collector initials.  Acceptable secondary identifiers include date of birth, social security number or practice medical record number.  All surgical specimens must have patient’s complete  name, secondary unique identification and specimen site or source identified on both the requisition and specimen container.  Specimens must be submitted in the proper collection tubes, vials, containers and swabs according to the CPA Lab On-Line Test Compendium Site.  Pertinent clinical data should always be included.

All specimens submitted to the laboratory must be appropriately labeled with the Norton Healthcare LIS bar code or accompanied by a completed requisition form containing at a minimum the patient’s first and last name, date of birth, billing address, submitting clinician and location, date and time of collection, ordered test names, ICD-10 code or diagnosis and complete insurance information including responsible party.  All clinical specimens must be labeled with the patient’s complete name (first and last) and a second unique identifier along with collected date and time and collector initials.  Acceptable secondary identifiers include date of birth, social security number or practice medical record number.  All surgical specimens must have patient’s complete  name, secondary unique identification and specimen site or source identified on both the requisition and specimen container.  Specimens must be submitted in the proper collection tubes, vials, containers and swabs according to the CPA Lab On-Line Test Compendium Site.  Pertinent clinical data should always be included.