
Collect whole blood in a purple top (EDTA) tube (preferred). Extracted DNA is also an acceptable specimen.

Unacceptable Conditions

Heparinized specimens, severely hemolyzed specimens, frozen, clotted or possibly commingled specimens, blood in non-sterile or leaky containers, mislabeled or inappropriately labeled specimens.

Storage/Transport Temperature

For CHOP Phlebotomy: Samples can be collected throughout the week. Samples collected on weekends or holidays are held in Central Labs and sent to the Genomic Diagnostic Lab the following business day. 

For External Clients: Refrigerate sample until shipment. Send the sample at room temperature with overnight delivery for receipt Monday through Friday, optimally within 24 hours of collection.

Please contact the lab (267-426-1447) with questions regarding non-blood specimens.

Volume Required

5 ml whole blood or 1 ug DNA

Minimum Required

3 mls

Phlebotomy Draw


Clinical Features

Beta thalassemia is characterized by severe anemia, growth retardation, splenomegaly, bone changes with characteristic facies and iron depositions affecting cardiac and endocrine systems. Beta thalassemia is characterized by hypochromic, hemolytic anemia and dependence on blood transfusions to sustain life. Even with chelation therapy to remove excess iron stores, the life expectancy in classic beta thalassemia major is shortened to 25-30 years on average. It has been estimated that 3% of the world's population carries a beta thalassemia gene. These carriers, individuals with beta thalassemia trait, are essentially normal, although they can be detected by lowered mean corpuscular volume (MCV) typically <80fl, lowered mean corpuscular hemoglobin value (MCH) typically <26-34 pg/rbc and an elevated A2 level, typically 4.5-6.0. Determination of these values as well as ethnicity are very useful in diagnosis and should be obtained whenever possible.

Performing Lab

Division of Genomic Diagnostics


Mon - Fri 9:00am to 4:00pm


14 days

Detection Rate

Beta Thalassemia: Point mutations in the HBB gene are detected in 95-98% of patients with beta thalassemia. The analytical sensitivity is ~99%. Sickle Cell: This assay will detect 100% of HbS and HbC alleles. The analytical sensitivity is close to 100%.


The clinical utility of the assay is to confirm a diagnosis of beta thalassemia, sickle/beta thal, or sickle cell disease; identify carriers of beta thal trait or sickle cell trait to facilitate prenatal testing and counseling for reproductive risk; prenatal analysis for beta thalassemia major or sickle cell disease; and to distinguish between beta thalassemia trait and other forms of anemia (ie, iron deficiency).


  • Beta globin gene sequence analysis, HBB Sequence Analysis, Beta Thalassemia

LIS Mnemonic


Available STAT


Test Notes

We offer DNA sequence analysis and deletion testing of the entire coding region. Beta thalassemia and sickle cell (HbS) mutations are detected by sequencing the beta globin coding region and part of the intervening sequences. Sequence variants are classified as mutations, variants of unknown significance or benign variants unrelated to disease. Variants of unknown significance may warrant further studies in the patient and other family members.

Molecular Testing Notes

The HBB gene is located on chromosome 11p15.5. The inheritance pattern is autosomal recessive. Beta thalassemia is caused by decreased or absent beta-globin chain production. The sickle cell mutations are found at codon 7 (HbS and HbC) while beta thalassemia mutations are found throughout the gene.

CPT Codes



Collect whole blood in a purple top (EDTA) tube (preferred). Extracted DNA is also an acceptable specimen.

Unacceptable Conditions

Heparinized specimens, severely hemolyzed specimens, frozen, clotted or possibly commingled specimens, blood in non-sterile or leaky containers, mislabeled or inappropriately labeled specimens.

Storage/Transport Temperature

For CHOP Phlebotomy: Samples can be collected throughout the week. Samples collected on weekends or holidays are held in Central Labs and sent to the Genomic Diagnostic Lab the following business day. 

For External Clients: Refrigerate sample until shipment. Send the sample at room temperature with overnight delivery for receipt Monday through Friday, optimally within 24 hours of collection.

Please contact the lab (267-426-1447) with questions regarding non-blood specimens.

Volume Required

5 ml whole blood or 1 ug DNA

Minimum Required

3 mls

Phlebotomy Draw


Clinical Features

Beta thalassemia is characterized by severe anemia, growth retardation, splenomegaly, bone changes with characteristic facies and iron depositions affecting cardiac and endocrine systems. Beta thalassemia is characterized by hypochromic, hemolytic anemia and dependence on blood transfusions to sustain life. Even with chelation therapy to remove excess iron stores, the life expectancy in classic beta thalassemia major is shortened to 25-30 years on average. It has been estimated that 3% of the world's population carries a beta thalassemia gene. These carriers, individuals with beta thalassemia trait, are essentially normal, although they can be detected by lowered mean corpuscular volume (MCV) typically <80fl, lowered mean corpuscular hemoglobin value (MCH) typically <26-34 pg/rbc and an elevated A2 level, typically 4.5-6.0. Determination of these values as well as ethnicity are very useful in diagnosis and should be obtained whenever possible.

Performing Lab

Division of Genomic Diagnostics


Mon - Fri 9:00am to 4:00pm


14 days

Detection Rate

Beta Thalassemia: Point mutations in the HBB gene are detected in 95-98% of patients with beta thalassemia. The analytical sensitivity is ~99%. Sickle Cell: This assay will detect 100% of HbS and HbC alleles. The analytical sensitivity is close to 100%.


The clinical utility of the assay is to confirm a diagnosis of beta thalassemia, sickle/beta thal, or sickle cell disease; identify carriers of beta thal trait or sickle cell trait to facilitate prenatal testing and counseling for reproductive risk; prenatal analysis for beta thalassemia major or sickle cell disease; and to distinguish between beta thalassemia trait and other forms of anemia (ie, iron deficiency).


  • Beta globin gene sequence analysis, HBB Sequence Analysis, Beta Thalassemia

LIS Mnemonic


Available STAT


Test Notes

We offer DNA sequence analysis and deletion testing of the entire coding region. Beta thalassemia and sickle cell (HbS) mutations are detected by sequencing the beta globin coding region and part of the intervening sequences. Sequence variants are classified as mutations, variants of unknown significance or benign variants unrelated to disease. Variants of unknown significance may warrant further studies in the patient and other family members.

Molecular Testing Notes

The HBB gene is located on chromosome 11p15.5. The inheritance pattern is autosomal recessive. Beta thalassemia is caused by decreased or absent beta-globin chain production. The sickle cell mutations are found at codon 7 (HbS and HbC) while beta thalassemia mutations are found throughout the gene.
Result Interpretation

CPT Codes