Welcome to our new Test Directory!

Please search for a test using the "Find a Test" Bar above.  In the Search Bar, type the test desired and press Enter, a list of tests will appear on the page.
The Tests without a "Test Number" are performed at MHSC.  The tests with a "Test number" are send out tests to ARUP. Select the test desired and more information will be given regarding that test.

The side bar with Feedback/Requests will hyperlink to an email that you can use to send us any feedback and/or requests.  Please use this often, especially while we are first rolling this test directory out, so we can ensure we are meeting your needs.

The Sample Collection Guides SideBar contains information on how to collect certiain samples types.  

Thank you!

Welcome to our new Test Directory!

Please search for a test using the "Find a Test" Bar above.  In the Search Bar, type the test desired and press Enter, a list of tests will appear on the page.
The Tests without a "Test Number" are performed at MHSC.  The tests with a "Test number" are send out tests to ARUP. Select the test desired and more information will be given regarding that test.

The side bar with Feedback/Requests will hyperlink to an email that you can use to send us any feedback and/or requests.  Please use this often, especially while we are first rolling this test directory out, so we can ensure we are meeting your needs.

The Sample Collection Guides SideBar contains information on how to collect certiain samples types.  

Thank you!